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Design Engine API


Birt POJO Runtime Note:

If you are installing BIRT 3.7 or later See BIRT 3.7 Migration Guide. It is no longer necessary to set BIRT Home in the DesignConfig class. Just add the BIRT jars to your classpath/buildpath.

A report design consist of three key concepts:

  • Elements An "object" within the design such as the report itself, a data set, a style, a table, a label, etc.

  • Property Properties customize an element. For example, a data set has a name and a query. A style has CSS-like style properties. A label has style properties and display text. Properties further divide into property definitions provided by BIRT's Report Object Model (ROM), and property values set by you as you create a report design.

  • Slots A slot describes how elements assemble to form a report. A slot is a place where one element can contain other elements. For example, a report has slots for data sources, data sets, styles and the report body. A table has slots for the header, detail, footer and groups.

API Services

The BIRT Design Engine API (DEAPI) provides a number of services to applications that work with report designs:

  • Create report designs

  • Read and write report design files

  • Create and delete report elements

  • Put report elements into a slot, or move them from slot to slot

  • Get and set the value of parameters

  • Retrieve metadata about report elements, properties and slots

  • Support undo/redo of changes

  • Perform semantic checks of report designs


To create an application that uses the DEAPI, you'll need the design engine SDK which can be downloaded from the BIRT downloads pages. Information is on the main README.

This API is described in Javadoc in the package within the project. Read the package overview for general information about getting started with this API.


The following code shows a simple example that creates a working report design. Here are the files you'll need:

The first step is to create an instance of the design engine.

SessionHandle session = DesignEngine.newSession( null ); 

Then, create a new report design.

ReportDesignHandle design = session.createDesign( ); 

Next, get the "element factory" that creates new elements within your design:

ElementFactory factory = design.getElementFactory( ); 

Next, we add a page master that determines how the report will appear when printed:

DesignElementHandle element = factory.newSimpleMasterPage( "Page Master" );
design.getMasterPages( ).add( element );

This design will contain a grid that contains an image and a label. Let's first create the grid and add it to the report's body slot.

GridHandle grid = factory.newGridItem( null, 2 /* cols */, 1 /* row */ );
design.getBody( ).add( grid );
grid.setWidth( "100%" );

Next, create the image and add it to the first cell within the grid.

RowHandle row = (RowHandle) grid.getRows( ).get( 0 );
ImageHandle image = factory.newImage( null );
CellHandle cell = (CellHandle) row.getCells( ).get( 0 );
cell.getContent( ).add( image );
image.setURI( "");

Then, create a label and add it to the second cell.

LabelHandle label = factory.newLabel( null );
cell = (CellHandle) row.getCells( ).get( 1 );
cell.getContent( ).add( label );
label.setText( "Hello, world!" );

Finally, save and close the report design.

design.saveAs( "sample.rptdesign" );
design.close( );

You can now open the design within BIRT and preview it.